Lots has happened in the last 3 weeks since my last post. Since H.R.S. (aka.
Spittiness or Princess Spitty) still hadn't lost her umbilical cord, I called the doctor to check on it. They told me to give it another week and then to come in for a treatment of silver nitrate. Well after 6 weeks and two silver nitrate treatments, we finally have a submersible baby! YAY! She had her first tub bath at 6 weeks 1 day old!
We also spoke to the doctor about her reflux/colic episodes she was having. For the last couple of weeks Kinley was having about 2-3 hour stretches in the evening where she just screamed and screamed. She would go stiff as a board and nothing we did would comfort her. Knowing that my brother had colic for his first 3 months of life, I was preparing myself for that but hoping that it was more acid reflux. Our ped concurred that it was probably a combination of reflux and colic and prescribed her zantac twice a day. She told us that if the crying was due to the reflux, the zantac would help, but if it was colic then there was nothing that could be done about it. I'm very thankful to say that after almost a full week on the medicine we are so happy with the improvement. It's almost a night and day difference. She still gets fussy every evening around 7:30 or so, but at least now she is consolable. One method that has consistently worked for her is having her back against my chest while I'm sitting down (this way she can "stand" in my lap) and I rub her belly. In the last two weeks she has also started sleeping through the night. She will usually take her last feed around 9:30-10:30 and sleep until 5-6 in the morning.
We went on our first overnight trip with the kids to the beach and we had a blast. Kinley got to visit the Gulf for a few minutes and the big kids got to play too. I even got real pictures this time.
We had Bro. Jamie and Sis. Bobbie Jo over one Sunday after church and she was telling me about this store called Strasburgs Childrens clothing. Well the next day I took my mom to the Orlando outlet mall and there just so happened to be a Strasburgs there! So of course we had to stop in AND we couldn't resist buying matching outfits for all the Miller grandbabies. And the timing was perfect because it was the weekend before Fathers Day so we were able to take the kids out to Hollis Gardens and get pictures and give them to the Grandfathers for Father's Day presents. Abbey and Brooke had matching dresses and Lindsey and Kinley have matching outfits. Then Brady had shorts that matched all the girls' dresses and Joshua had little overalls that matched! The kids were so cute and were so excited to have outfits that all matched!