Saturday, December 13, 2008
It will be in the 80's this week!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's that time of year again...flu season!
The day after Thanksgiving, we got very brave and let Abbey have a sleepover. We invited all the little girls from church. We had a total of 5 girls (including Abbey) + Brady + one of the boys from church came over just for the evening. We had a really fun time and the kids got along really well. They made some holiday crafts, played flash light tag, watched a movie and then "camped out" upstairs in their sleeping bags.
The picture above is the kids playing flashlight tag. They are pretty inventive with games. They turned out all the lights in the room (the spots you see on the wall are from the flashlights) and then tried not to get tagged with someone else's flashlight beam. This picture was taken in the dark, but because of the flash you can't tell that the room is pitch black.
I have to say, foam crafts are great! They already have adhesive on the backs and all the pieces are already cut out. And since I had bought these last year after christmas, I got a great deal on them...glad I remembered I still had them!