Sunday, February 26, 2012

Busy Month

February has come and gone (well almost) and I feel like I haven't hardly had time to take a breath.  Pretty much the first two weeks of February involved lots of cleaning and purging and getting ready for the Florida Fellowship Meeting.  We had a house full of guests that we thoroughly enjoyed and a meeting that was not only very well attended, but one filled with spirit filled sermons and singing.  Plus we had Matthew's 40th birthday and Brady's 9th birthday in the mix of all of that.  And in case you missed it on fb, I've included Kinley's birthday song for you to enjoy!
I've also just reached the 24 week milestone in this pregnancy.  24 weeks is the magical medical number "they" assign to viability.  To be honest, I really have never put much stock in this milestone, only because I have heard of too many tragic stories of full term babies developing a life threatening issue during/shortly after birth.  So I try to focus my prayers not on timelines, but just on the health of the baby.  The irony of it all is that although these last few months have flown by, this pregnancy seems to be in slo-mo for me.  I feel like I have been pregnant for sooooo long.  Don't get me wrong, this pregnancy has been very easy for me.  It's not like I have been so miserable during the last 5 months that it has dragged on.  I'm probably jinxing myself, but I have felt really good.  My morning sickness only lasted a couple of weeks, no big deal.  No achy back like I've had with all the other pregnancies.  No major sleep issues, other than the unusual/bad dreams I started having this past week.  I've been a little fatigued this past week, but again we had A LOT going on the week before.  So overall I'd say it's going very well.  Apparently, I look REALLY pregnant, because I keep getting asked "how are you doing/feeling" in an extremely sympathetic "you look miserable" tone.  Hmmmm, just some thoughts to ponder.  Oh well, sorry for the totally boring, rambling post about mostly nothingness!  Perhaps something a little more creative will hit me in March!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Halvesies

This week I hit the 20 week mark.  Exactly half way through the pregnancy.  We had our big anatomy scan on Tuesday and everything appeared to be strong and healthy with the baby.  We did not find out the gender but the big kids think they know what we're having.  Abbey said she "didn't see the stem on the apple" so it must be a girl.  Brady claimed the baby's foot looked like a boy foot, so it must be a boy.  For fun, I thought I would compare this pregnancy and Kinley's pregnancy.

Kinley's 20 Week

Baby J's 20 Week
As you can see I'm carrying much differently with this one than I did with Kinley.  However, that could just be because my uterus is all stretch out...

  • Kinley's heart rate at the 20 week ultrasound was 152.  Baby J's heart rate was 149
  • Kinley's approximate weight was 12 oz.  Baby J's approximate weight is 12 oz.
  • My weight gain at 20 weeks with Kinley was 5lbs.  My weight gain with Baby J at 20 weeks is also 5lbs.
  • Each of my four pregnancies has gotten progressively worse in the morning sickness (not sick at all with Abbey, a little nauseated with Brady, more with Kinley and lots and lots with Baby J.) Although all issues with morning sickness with all pregnancies ended well before the 12 week mark.
  • Lots of movement with Kinley (and it started very early ~ 14-15 weeks).  Feeling lots of movement with Baby J, however it's just been recently that I've really felt it (18-19 weeks).
  • With Kinley, took a while to agree on a boys name and I "felt" like we were having a girl.  With Baby J, still haven't agreed on a boys name and I'm all over the board on what we're having.
So there you have it!  Make your own predictions.  Everything looks great.  The only thing the doctor is concerned about is my placenta.  It is considered low lying, which means it is too close to the cervix.  He feels certain that as the baby continues to grow, the placenta will move up.  This is something they have to monitor though before delivery.  If it does not move up enough, then I will have to have a c-section.  They will do another ultrasound again at 28 weeks to check on the progress.  I'm not overly concerned about it.  So I will leave you with a few more shots and a video from Baby J's ultrasound!