Monday, November 2, 2009

Amazing Weekend!

We had a wonderfully blessed weekend visiting with our friends from Little Zion. Elder David Crawford preached on Friday night and Saturday and the spirit of the Lord was with us. We really enjoyed visiting with everyone and we look forward to our upcoming meeting at Little Union. It will begin on Thursday night (November 12th) and will continue with both morning and evening services on Friday and Saturday and conclude on Sunday morning. Elder Ricky Harcrow from Alabama will be preaching.

On Saturday night we took the kids over to Nanna and Grandpa's house to carve pumpkins, eat pizza and go trick or treating! It was a little warmish for the last day of October (even for Florida) and the skeeters were out in full force, but none the less we had a great time and the kids racked up the loot!

We also gained a glorious hour this weekend. It was a much needed hour. It has been really difficult gettin' going in the mornings. It just isn't right having to drive your kids to school when it's still dark outside. And we even have some "coolish" temps predicted for the WHOLE week! I might even be able to turn off the a/c and open up the windows a bit! YEAH!

Let the busy holiday season begin! Happy Fall, Ya'll!